Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“The South I Live In.2”

Let’s Amplify Your Voice

Click on the “Participate”menu, choose and complete one or all phrases.

Thesouthintalk blogspot invites you to KEEP WRITING. 

We “liked” what you write and, having announced the individuals YOU “LIKED” AND YOU NOMINATED to join us in Brussels, we want to ensure that no thought is lost and every voice is heard.
Watch the people you nominated through this blog on April 10th. And make sure you also leave us your mail, or visit this site so we can keep you posted on this and forthcoming events.
WE WILL PRODUCE AN E-BOOK WITH YOUR POSTS entitled precisely “The South I Live in.” And we will distribute this e-book to Members of the European Parliament and beyond!!!
SO KEEP POSTING until April 15th on the
During this period, EU citizens residing or originating from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, but also Cyprus and Slovenia, can participate in this COMPILATION OF CITIZEN’S THOUGHTS by completing the following phrases:

  1. I belong to a generation…
  2. I cannot…
  3. I am seeking…
  4. I want…

Participants are invited to visit our blog and complete these phrases with a short submission, expressing their thoughts, through their Facebook account.
The objective now is that this “participatory narrative” that describes the transformation of the European South, as citizens experience it, is exploited to the full.
Make sure you join us live on the event that will take in Brussels in the premises of the European Parliament on April 10th 2013, with the participation of four emblematic writers of modern literature in the European South: José Luís Peixoto (Portugal) Mariolina Venezia (Italy), Alexis Stamatis (Greece), and Santiago Roncagliolo (Spain). Tweet or post your questions and thoughts!
Thank you for your participation. Be there through your delegates, be there LIVE, be in out e-book and keep the South In Talk.